The core business
of the Würth Group is the global trade with connecting and assembly technology
that is implemented through an international network of Group companies.
A range of over 56,000 products for industry and the trades makes us a
competent supplier of solutions for every kind of fixing problem. Wuerth
is the right contact for you if it is about screws, screw accessories,
dowels, chemical products, furniture and construction fittings, tools,
machines, installation material, automotive hardware as well as storage
and retrieval systems.
Daily contact through
over 24,000 sales representatives worldwide guarantees closeness to the
customer, and thus competent advice and fast delivery. To be the right
contact for our various customers our sales force is divided by the automotive,
wood and metal-working trade as well as construction and industry.
All over the world
more than 2.5 million customers trust in the products and service of Würth.
Competence, quality and closeness to the customer form the foundation
of our activities. Würth stands for good, solid and durable product quality.
Our Allied Companies
that belong to the Würth Group in terms of capital, which, trade under
other names, work on business fields related to those on the Wuerth Line
as regards their products and markets.